WoW: Players are no longer kicked from Torghast - Hotfix

Yesterday, January 06, numerous players traveled to Torghast. Sure, the new Sinuous Corridors had opened for the first time. With "Tracks of the Lion" a quest from Bolvar wanted to be mastered there
. And then there is the Soul Ash Grind in Skoldus Halls and Mort'regar on the agenda.Unfortunately, many of yesterday's visitors reported that the Tower of the Damned was acting unusually bitchy. Specifically, those affected were kicked out of the area shortly after joining the respective instance. In some cases, players who registered for a solo run were also told that someone had rejected their registration and that they would be put at the head of the queue. All three currently available wings of Torghast were affected.
Then, a few hours ago, Blizzard employee Rejuvithorn spoke up in the official WoW forum:
"Good news! We were informed that the bug should have been removed by a hotfix a few minutes ago, and what we currently see confirms that. We thank you for your patience during the investigation."
In this sense: Have fun in Torghast! By the way, this bugfix does not yet appear in the patch notes of the January 07 hotfixes
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