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World of Warcraft

WoW Classic: When the gates of Ahn'Qiraj just stay closed despite the gong strike

Update from August 06:
We still have a remarkable highlight from the opening of Ahn'Qiraj for you! As you probably know, it usually takes ten hours for the gates of the raid instances to open after the first gong strikes. Ten hours that can be bridged by the "10 Hours of War" event in Silithus and other zones.

But what if Saurfang oversleeps and doesn't show up in time for the gates to open? Or if the gate hinges jam and the gate doesn't open? According to Blizzard, one of these theories must be responsible ("cough") for the fact that players from the Pagel server had to wait over 14 hours for the gates to open.

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Clearly, the topic was also prepared accordingly in Memehausen

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Original news from August 05:
Already the first ID


WoW Classic Phase 5 had made clear: Azeroth is about something right now. About perhaps the most exclusive reward in WoW (buy now 14,99 € )history: the Black Qirajiresonance Crystal. And about the fastest possible availability of the new raid tier. Both are connected with a lot of effort, numerous activities in the open game world and a blatant competitive situation. The result of the first week: a lot of frustration, drama and spectacle for outsiders.

However, the decisive steps of opening Ahn'Qiraj took place on the first servers only in this raid ID. We mean, of course, the gong strike that first launched the associated world event and then, ten hours later, opened the gates to the two raid challenges, AQ20 and AQ40. And yes, there was a lot of action on the servers involved.

First of all, we would like to congratulate the players who were the first to secure the black Qiraji mount and thus become the Prince of the Scarabs: Souffle, Flashmob and Danaima from the US server Sulfuras. There were also three players on each of the following servers who were able to secure the mount early.


official list from Blizzard

can be found in

the official WoW forum.

By the way, from our point of view, the Onslaught guild from Skeram deserves a special mention here. First, because the server is completely dominated by the Horde (99 percent Horde, 1 percent Alliance) and according to Wowhead, the Progress guild should have almost single-handedly provided the war supplies for both factions. Second, because Onslaught was able to strike the gong first on Skeram and thus initiate the opening. And third, because the Fellowship then went on to get the C 'Thun first kill for the US region. There was one guild that was obviously hot as fritters.

Dramatic climax

On some Classic servers, however, the longed-for gong strike didn't happen so smoothly. Especially remarkable was what happened on the server Sulfuras. There, the alliance guild GRIZZLY had made a lot of enemies last week, because the members of the community were said to have eliminated various competitors through targeted reporting in Blizzard's system (with subsequent banning penalties for those reported).

In the last few hours, the Horde players of the server now joined forces to make it impossible for the members of GRIZZLY to hit the gong within the ten hours. Over 600 fighters under the red banner are said to have gathered at the bottleneck in front of the Caverns of Time and successfully defended it for hours. Here are a few impressions from Sulfuras:

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What do you think: How smooth or dramatic will the opening of Ahn'Qiraj be on your server? Tell us in the comments!

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