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WoW: Organization Method is about to return, Echo Guild has sponsors

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Update from October 5, 2020
As we previously reported, the Method guild and brand built by Scott 'Sco' McMillan broke up due to allegations of sexual harassment against two of his employees. As a result, the new WoW guild "Echo" was formed, consisting almost entirely of former Method players. Guild leader "Scripe" announced today that they were able to win Logitech and Blue Microphones as sponsors and thus start well equipped into the first season of Shadowlands. This makes it clear that Echo and "Method II" (see the original announcement below) will continue to go their separate ways. Below is the tweet with the announcement:

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Original message
The WoW guild Method has long been the flagship of the professional WoW raiding scene. Even outside of Azeroth, former guild leader Scott "Sco" McMillan positioned Method as an e-sports organization and professional brand - before the bombshell dropped in June of this year.

On June 26, Sco officially commented on the allegations of sexual harassment that had previously arisen around some members of the organization. A little later, the certainty: Method was dissolved and the players went their separate ways - at least until July 25, 2020.

On that day, numerous former Method members announced their intention to reunite under the "new" guild tag "Echo". Not among them, however, was Scott "Sco" McMillan. But what became of the former Methods CEO?

Method - return now imminent

Scott McMillan already announced in the summer that he wanted to rebuild Method - and now we also know what that will look like. On twitch.tv, the organization's new leadership recently found themselves announcing changes intended to provide a "more open and secure environment for everyone involved."

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The past few weeks have been a "massive wake-up call," Sco said in the introduction to the "press conference." His goal, he said, has always been to build the best guild in the world - a mission he continues to pursue today.

In the coming months, he said, they will continue to pursue that mission - with those fundamental goals in mind:

  • Method will return to the World-First-Race until the end of the upcoming WoW Shadowlands expansion.
  • The individual players will be more in the focus of public interest.
  • They will make sure that every player can turn their passion into a profession while participating at the highest possible level.

To regain lost trust in the coming months and to ensure that the things that contributed to Method's dissolution never happen again.

Structural changes ahead

Scott "Sco" McMillan also spoke about structural changes that will shape the new Method. These are summarized as follows:

  • They would work with an external HR consultant on a long-term basis to audit the organization's internal processes.
  • An employee code of conduct was created in cooperation with the HR team, which sets out the new values in writing.
    • An online reporting system has been established that is logged and administered by an outside party. Complaints can be filed through "HR@method.gg."
    • If there are any violations of the Code, new disciplinary procedures have been established in consultation with HR.
    • Anti-harassment as well as anti-discrimination trainings have been held to build more mindfulness with this issue. This will also be part of the onboarding process for future members of the organization.
  • Communication within the team as well as within the organization was improved.
    • New project management as well as onboarding tools will be used.
    • There will be internal feedback surveys so that team feedback can be incorporated into the ongoing optimization process, he said.

Furthermore, a first six-month plan has already been revealed:

  • There will be management training sessions for upper and middle management Methods. Care will be taken to create an open and honest communication culture, he said.
  • There will be a new review and feedback system.
  • Internal HR positions will be created for the long term.
  • All members of the organization will be supported through the new feedback system, team-building opportunities and retention initiatives.

You can read the official statement of the guild on Method's homepage. You can watch the press conference on twitch.tv.

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