WoW: Jenafur puzzle - new clues via fundraiser for cancer research

Blizzard has been working with the Make a Wish Foundation for many years. For example, there have already been various in-game pets, the proceeds of which were then passed on to the foundation by the developers. Last year, however, the collaboration also brought a young woman named Amara Strande to Blizzard headquarters in Irvine, who suffers from a rare form of liver cancer.
Amara didn't just use her visit to Blizzard for a chat, she also got to let off some creative steam
She composed her own song for WoW (buy now € 14.99) and helped develop the Jenafur puzzle, which various players in the community have been working on for many months. The clues so far have led the head nut lovers to Karazhan, but how to earn the special cat pet is still known only to the creators.
Recently, Amara launched a fundraiser on Gofundme to both give cancer research a small windfall and provide WoW players with more clues for the Jenafur mystery. Specifically, she promises to post a new clue in the "WoW Secret Finding" discord if $5,000 is raised for cancer research via her fundraiser. If the puzzle is still not solved after that, there will be another clue at 10,000 US dollars.
In the following video, Amara and her sister talk a bit about the campaign and the Jenafur puzzle
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