•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Blizzard calls on players to report unfriendly players via pop-up

At the launch of the new ID, many European players were greeted with a new pop-up window in WoW. In it, Blizzard reminds players that World of Warcraft is an online game where you will have many interactions with other players and should under no circumstances share personal information with players you don't know.

However, the second part of the notification is much more interesting. In it, Blizzard reminds you to abide by the "community interaction policies". So you are supposed to behave and not disturb others in their gaming experience. But then the developers do something rather unusual. They call for you to report other players who violate the policies. So players who display offensive or harassing behavior like to report via the in-game tool, so that the responsible staff can take a close look at the case (chat history) and take action if necessary.

Players who "undermine or disrupt the game experience" should also be reported. And this is where things can get critical. Because while harassment or insults can be determined relatively clearly, disrupting the game experience is something rather subjective. Some on the forums are already worried that waves of "he kicked me out of the dungeon group" or "he snatched the mob from under my nose" tickets will now be opened.

Also, it's interesting that German players seem to be spared from this message, while mostly players from the UK but also some from the rest of Europe are reporting this pop-up. The reason could be a law passed in the UK, which is supposed to protect children and young people on the Internet from just such offensive and harassing behavior. This came into force on September 2, 2020, but gave operators a 12-month transition period. This will expire in a few days.

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