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World of Warcraft

WoW: PvP season 3 - end date and clarification

January 07, 2020 update:
There's the official update! On the forums, Community Manager Kaivax announced that Battle for Azeroth's third PvP season and current Mythic Plus season will end with the launch of WoW Patch 8.3 on January 15, 2020. After that, there will be a one-week timeout, during which you will still be able to complete rated PvP games and Mythic dungeons, but you will no longer be able to earn the season-associated achievements and the rewards associated with those achievements.

Battle for Azeroth Season 4 will then start one week after the release of WoW Patch 8.3. On that day, the Ny'alotha raid will also open its doors. The raid achievements around the Eternal Palace can still be completed until the start of the new raid.

In a second post, Kaivax confirmed that players who earned a rating for a BfA Season 3 title during the short time that the PvP season has been disabled, but who dropped back down to a lower rating before the PvP season was reactivated, will have that title unlocked after the next maintenance.

Original news from January 03, 2020:
After the turn of the year, PvP-loving WoW fans (buy now €14.99 ) around the globe noticed that the numbers in the PvP overview for arenas and rated battlegrounds were displayed grayed out. Nothing seemed to work anymore, apparently the season was ended prematurely without notice thanks to a bug in the matrix. Community manager Kaivax then confirmed in the US forums that a bug had ended the season too early. He promised the players that the developers would start looking for a bug fix. This has also been found and will be unleashed on the US servers on January 3, 2020 at 07:00 US West Coast time (10:00 East Coast time).

A post for the European servers is still pending, but after a quick login into the game, we noticed that the values in the rated PvP window are no longer grayed out. Apparently, the 3rd season of BfA is now resumed after the short break on the European realms.

The hotfix retroactively ensures that changes in rating and tier level updates that you have obtained in recent days are registered and credited to you. So you will not lose them. However, Kaivax had announced that there would be a problem elsewhere: "We don't expect to be able to retroactively preserve the amount of games and the amount of victories you played or earned during the short "offseason"

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