•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic would be much better with dual talent distribution!

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic has a problem from my point of view. There is an incredible amount to do on Outland, especially in the early days: level up, farm reputation, visit dungeons, master the raids, farm gold or materials, rock the battlegrounds and arenas. That's not the problem, of course, but a big plus of TBC Classic. Now for the problem: Blizzard didn't introduce Dual Talent until Wrath of the Lich King, and that devalues some of the TBC content.

Yeah, I know. We had the discussion around "dual spec" as recently as January. And guess what: the players who wanted the convenience feature for the Burning Crusade re-release were absolutely right! And that can currently be proven on the live servers.

  • By now, most full-time tanks have completed their attunements, fulfilled their reputation requests, and certainly helped out their friends and guildmates in the dungeons over and over again. Now it's time for something else: twinking! As a result, it's getting harder and harder to find tanks for dungeon groups.
  • With a healing specialization, solo farming and questing can suck big time. Instead of skilling back and forth, many medics have to farm up an extra character.
  • Many arena rounds currently fail because people (myself included) don't feel like PvPing with their raid skill. It's no wonder. A rogue with the PvE combat skill isn't just a dead giveaway to any PvP rogue. So what do we do: We try to find a time slot between raids where everyone can play and that is big enough to make the expensive back and forth skilling worthwhile. Just doing a round of PvP is usually not an option.

The dual talent distribution would improve the game experience in all three cases:

  • There are more potential tanks in Outland.
  • There is a general increase in the chance that fellow players in random groups (dungeons, raids, PvP) will use talent distributions that make sense for that particular area.
  • Arena and Battlegrounds player numbers would increase due to easier and more flexible access to a reasonable PvP skill set.
  • Healers and tanks would have a more offensively focused farm skill set that they could access at any time.

PvP in particular would benefit incredibly from having more flexible access to a second skill available to players. However, I fear that Blizzard might not implement such a change until TBC Classic era servers, and that's only after WotLK Classic is available. And unfortunately, by then it will be too late, at least for me.

What do you guys think? In the spirit of #somechanges, should Blizzard introduce dual talent in Burning Crusade Classic or would that be a nogo for you? Tell me in the comments!

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