•   Sunday, September 8, 2024
World of Warcraft

WoW: Same look for blood and void elves in Shadowlands?

The Void Elves are a sworn community that was driven out of Silvermoon in WoW: Legion and joined the Alliance in exile. As followers of Alleria Windrunner, the Ren'dorei learn to control the powers of the Void. This new way of life is also reflected in their peculiar appearance. The pale bluish skin as well as the purple hair, which is streaked with Void tentacles, are so far the characteristics that visually define the Void Elves of the World of Warcraft.

Numerous Alliance fans have taken the Void Elves



hearts since Legion, but there was also negative feedback on the character creation of the Ren'dorei. Some players were disappointed that there were no High Elves for the Alliance, or that you couldn't create an elf hero that looked like a High Elf.

With WoW: Shadowlands, the blood elves get blue eyes (a classic feature of the high elves) as a design option for character creation. The Void Elves should have literally gone away empty-handed as far as graphical adjustments are concerned. However, the developers changed their mind after receiving feedback from the players again. Check out the result below! More images of the new Void Elves can be found on Wowhead.

Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard

So now both elf races will get comparable design options from Blizzard in the course of character creation. This means that blood and void elves will share all skin and eye colors in the future. As for the unique hairstyles of the Void Elves, there is no exact information for Blood Elf fans yet.

What do

you think of the planned graphical adjustments for Blood and Void Elves? Will you choose the blue eyes for your elf hero right away or stick with the old look? Write us in the comments!

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