•   Sunday, September 8, 2024
World of Warcraft

WoW: Waiting time for open ticket? 140 days - Blizzard support in 2021

Blizzard support and care for the WoW community has changed a lot in recent years. Those who have been playing World of Warcraft for many years can certainly attest to that. Here are a few positive memories from the early days, as well as some that are only a few years old:

  • After the launch, WoW had to struggle with technical problems every now and then, thanks to which the servers were not available, players were constantly kicked out of the game or the Azeroth adventure was severely limited in other ways. Clearly, many players were not thrilled about this. However, Blizzard made amends on a regular basis, and they did so by offering free game time.
  • If you only know the WoW forum from the last few years, you might find it hard to believe: There were times when several community managers were responsible for the German-speaking region, when developers like once Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street always sought out the conversation with the players on their own initiative, and when the "blues" would also join in on entertaining posts every now and then just like that.
  • Blizzard support enjoyed a very good reputation for many years because the support staff always added a personal touch to their work. Be it because they could always pull a WoW joke out of their sleeves in in-game chat, because they were still available for a short chat or because they handed out small gifts without being asked and showed heart(example 1, example 2, example 3).

Today, Blizzard's treatment of the community looks different. It's no wonder, after all, we've had to report on layoffs and office closures

time and again in recent years, many of which directly affected customer support or the community team. What Blizzard support will look like in 2021 is nicely illustrated in this Reddit post: Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external content will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in ourprivacy policy.
  • The post creator is currently waiting for a Blizzard employee to comment on their ticket. The average wait time is reported to be 140 days.
  • Another player reports that his guild in WoW Classic had to wait an unfathomable 21 days to get the loot from an Onyxia run, and that was only because the lootmaster had a PC crash.
  • Another anecdote: In TBC/WotLK you got the materials for profession items or the gold back if you got ripped off by another player. Today, Blizzard only gives one advice: Only trade with people you trust.
  • In WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) Classic it sometimes took months until multiple reported bots finally disappeared. The same is now true for TBC Classic.
  • On the other hand, it happened again and again in WoW Classic that players were banned who had not violated the user agreements. In many cases, subsequent tickets were stalled with automated responses. It wasn't until Reddit posts and community feedback that proper investigations into the cases were triggered. The result: lifting the ban penalty. Read more: Blizzard vs. bots - fair players lose out
  • Bugs reported multiple times in beta make it into the live versions of WoW. This was the case with Shadowlands and with TBC Classic.

What is your current experience with Blizzard support and the community team? Can you draw a more positive conclusion for yourselves or do you share the observations under the Reddit post?

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