•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW Shadowlands: Finally! Blizzard revises monk and improves Chi-Ji

If you read the WoW developers' latest blue post about the upcoming class changes to the monk in the Shadowlands beta, you might get the impression that the monk is a problem child both within the community and at Blizzard itself. To make sure it doesn't stay that way for much longer, the WoW team has finally announced a series of adjustments that cover numerous issues with the Monk in general and the Mistcaster specialization in particular.


changes are as follows (via Wowhead):


  • Blackout kick no longer requires two-handed or two weapons.
  • Summon Niuzao the Black Ox gets a Rank 2 upgrade: The damage from Niuzao's Stomp is increased by 25 percent of the damage you shook off from Relay in the past five seconds.

Wind Runner

  • Furofists no longer requires two-handed or two weapons.
  • Summon Xuen the White Tiger gets a Rank 2 upgrade: Xuen will hit your enemies with Tiger Lightning every eight seconds, dealing ten percent of the damage you yourself dealt to those targets over the past eight seconds.

Mist Caster

  • Level 34, Summon Yu'lon the Jade Serpent: Mana cost increased to five percent of base mana (previously zero percent); Yu'lon lingers near the mist caster and casts Calming Breath on a wounded target. In doing so, it heals the target and up to four nearby allied targets; Calming Breath benefits from Calming Mist, similar to Summon Statue of Jade Serpent.
  • Level 45, Summon Chi-Ji the Red Crane: Mana cost reduced to five percent of base mana (previously ten percent); Chi-Ji now deals melee damage; while Chi-Ji is active, your physical attacks cause Chi-Ji to heal up to three allies and increase the cast time of your next Enveloping Mist by 33 percent (stacks three times); Chi-Ji heals by 200 percent of a normal mastery heal; activating Chi-Ji frees you from all effects that restrict your movement, making you immune to those effects for the duration of Chi-Ji.
  • Level 58, Summon Yu'lon the Jade Serpent, Rank 2: Yu'lon and Chi-Ji now heal up to five targets with Enveloping Breath when you cast Enveloping Mist, and heal over six seconds, increasing the healing targets receive from you by ten percent.

What do you think of the adjustments? Post your thoughts in the comments!

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