•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: It's official! The Night Elves recapture the Dark Coast

Tyrande's transformation and the Battle for the Dark Coast are among the most controversial stories in WoW: Battle for Azeroth. After the Horde's raid on Teldrassil, which caused countless civilian casualties among the Kaldorei, Tyrande turned away from the light side of the moon goddess Elune and walked the dark path of the Night Warrior. A Black Moon rose over the Dark Coast, awakening the darkest instincts of the night elves.

After that, there was no stopping


Though the Horde literally overran the Dark Coast, the surviving night elves bravely defied Sylvanas' minions. A large portion followed Tyrande in the path of the Night Warrior, vowing eternal vengeance against the Banshee Queen and her Horde. Both sides suffered heavy losses in the battle for the narrow strip of land and no one could predict who would win this bloody battle.

However, this uncertainty has now come to an end! The night elves have officially won the battle for their destroyed homeland. At least that's what an in-game cinematic tells us, which is played after the victory of the alliance. In this short video, Tyrande gives a moving victory speech that makes the Kaldorei believe in a bright future again. Attention, the following recording of the celebration is still from the test server!

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However, this cinematic is not new, after all, this cutscene already exists since the opening of the war front in patch 8.1. However, the developers have held back the video with the victory celebration of the night elves until now for inexplicable reasons and published only with Wo


patch 8.3.

This secrecy led to numerous, sometimes rabid discussions among WoW fans (buy now 14,99 € ), because for a long time it was not clear who, which faction controls the Dark Coast after the Fourth War. With the cinematic, Blizzard not only creates facts, but also unlocks a quest called A New Hope. This quest fully concludes the Dark Coast storyline with the Night Elves' victory over the Horde forces. Since the Horde controls the Dark Coast this week, the Alliance will not be allowed to play the quest until the ID changes.

Source: Vanion.eu / WowheadSupport

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