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WoW: German patch notes of the hotfixes from December 15

Update from December 16:
The Blizzard developers have published the German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from December 15. We have updated the message accordingly.

Original message from December 15:
The World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion is live, and the next bug fixes and adjustments were delivered today in the form of hotfixes.

Below you can read the official patch notes. Hotfixes are updates that are applied server-side without the need to download new data. Some of the changes listed below will take effect as soon as Blizzard implements them, while others will only take effect after an announced realm restart. Please note that some issues cannot be fixed without a client-side patch. The full version 9.0.2 patch notes for Shadowlands can be found in this article. Blizzard has published the list of currently known issues here.

WoW: Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2 Hotfixes from December 15, 2020


  • Death Knight
    • Unholy
      • [After server restarts in each region] The effectiveness of Mastery: Dreadblade has been reduced by 20%.
  • Druid
    • [After server restarts in each region] The legendary effect "Balance of All Things" now causes "Eclipse" to increase your critical strike chance with Arcane or Nature spells by 40% (previously 50%). The effect now decreases by 8% every 1 sec (previously 10%).
    • Balance
      • [After server restarts in each region] Star Rain damage reduced by 6%.
  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • [After the server restarts in each region] The damage of Aimed Shot has been reduced by 5%.
      • [After server restarts in each region] Arcane Shot damage reduced by 5%.
  • Mage
    • [After server restarts in each region] The legendary effect Arcane Harmony now stacks up to 10 times in PvP (previously 15 times).
  • Monk
    • The night fae ability "Faeline Stomp" now disappears from the view of allied players other than the Monk as intended.
    • Mistcaster
      • Fixed a bug where the Summon Jade Serpent Statue talent was not casting Calming Mist as intended.
  • Rogue
    • [After server restarts in each region] The effectiveness of the Kyrians' medium Reverberation has been reduced by 50% in PvP (previously 30%).
    • [After server restarts in each region] The initial damage of the Kyrian ability Reverberating Blame has been reduced by 50% in PvP.
    • Assassinate
      • [After server restarts in each region] The Night Stalker talent now increases damage done in stealth mode by 25% (previously 50%).
    • Deception
      • [After server restarts in each region] The damage of the PvP talent Cold Bloodedness is now reduced by effects such as Versatility as intended.
      • [After server restarts in each region] The Night Stalker talent now increases damage done by 8% in PvP (previously 12%) while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active.
      • [After server restarts in each region] Shadow Blades now deals 30% additional damage to player characters (previously 40%).
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • The duration of the buff of the legendary effect "Echoes of the Great Shattering" has been increased to 25 sec (previously 15 sec).


  • Kyrian
    • [After server restarts in each region] Pelagos' Soul Bond ability "Battle Meditation" now grants 50% less mastery in PvP. Duration increased by 50% in PvP.
    • [After server restarts in each region] Nemea has bred a new generation of Larions that have been posted near the Elysian Stronghold in Bastion to provide flights to and from the Stronghold for Kyrian pact members.

Dungeons & Raids

  • Nathria Castle
    • Rescue of the Sun King
      • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the encounter to not complete as intended.
    • Count Denathrius
      • Fixed a bug where Remornia's Massacre ability very rarely did not work as intended.
  • The Andre Side
    • Risen Warlord's Undying Fury ability is now more recognizable.
    • The size of Raging Spirits' angry masks has been reduced. The mechanics remain unchanged.
    • A visual effect for the radius of effect of haunted urns has been added for Night Fae pact members.
    • Mueh'zala
      • Fixed a bug where Mojoinfusion was affected by a player's speed when Bwonsamdi was released from Primal Grasp.
  • The Bloody Depths
    • General Kaal
      • Fixed a bug where the door to her platform could get stuck and players would not be able to get to her after a failed attempt.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed a bug where the effectiveness of the weapon enchantment Force Multiplier increased during player level ups from level 50 to 60. The enchantment's strength now stops increasing after level 50 as it should.
  • Fixed a bug where players who are not members of the Venthyr Pact could receive items for the Court of Embers from the Appeal Reward Favor of the Court.
  • Increased the visibility of Venthyr dancers created by the Macabre Sheet of Music.


  • [After server restarts in each region] Battle for Azeroth 's Call to Arms quests now grant less honor.
  • Due to faster PvP battles in Shadowlands, 'Attenuation' no longer starts at 20% in 2vs2 Arena battles. 'Attenuation' is now applied immediately in 2vs2 and after 5 minutes in 3vs3.


  • Threads of Destiny
    • Fixed a bug where the drop icon for "Support of the Court" was displayed in the wrong location for Night Fae pact members who completed the quest at level 60.

The Maw: Eye of the Dungeon Master

  • The buff Ve'nari's Persistent Veil is now only active in War Mode.
  • Changed the visual effects of Ve'nari's Sustained Veil and Edict of the Eternal to be less overpowered.
  • Fixed a bug where hunts would sometimes not advance to the next stage.
  • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes appear at a distant graveyard when releasing their spirit in the Doom Fortress.
  • The sounds when entering the maw from Oribos are now optional.
  • [After server restarts in each region] Particularly puny creatures in the maw no longer drop Stygia.
  • [After server restarts in each region] Elite creatures in the Maw now drop more Stygia.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • [After server restarts in each region] Increased enemy health for healer specializations and increased physical damage for tank specializations. These changes are aimed at solo players and have a weakened effect in groups.
  • [After server reboots in each region, the health and damage of enemies at levels 2, 4, and 5 have been increased.
  • [After server restarts in each region] Dark Ascended Corrus, Warden Skoldus, and Cell Block Guard have received minor ability adjustments to bring them on par with other bosses.
  • Animaboni
    • Fixed a bug where more than 6 healing orbs from Bullet of Replenishment could be active at the same time.
    • Venthyr
      • [After server restarts in each region] Murmuring Scarf now grants you 40% dodge chance for 20 sec when using Shadow Gate (previously 20% for 15 sec). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
    • Night Fae
      • [After server restarts in each region] Clinging Mist now reduces enemy movement speed by 70% when using Flicker (previously 30%). This bonus can now be obtained 1 time (previously 3 times) and is offered as an option slightly less frequently.
    • Druid
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Strand of Teeth and Claws' can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts ineach region] 'Steelwood Plate' can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Writings of Lycara' now increases a secondary value by 140 (previously 43). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Bottle of Booze' can now be obtained 2 times (previously 1 time).
      • Potion of Midnight Fire now increases damage and healing as intended when Moonfire is active on 3 targets.
    • Hunter
      • [After server restarts in each region] Amplifying Mirror now increases the damage done to the target of your Misdirection ability by 50% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Necrotic Toxin now increases the damage of Kill Order by 50% (previously 30%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Emblem of Euphoria now reduces the cooldown of Rejoice by 30 sec (previously 20 sec). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Bone Hook now increases the damage of Deadly Shot by 100% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 1 time).
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Piercing Scope' now increases the damage taken by the target marked by 'Hunter's Mark' by 15% (previously 10%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] The damage bonus granted by Neural Companion Booster to your companion while Eyes of the Beast is active has been increased to 500% (previously 200%). This bonus can now be received 1 time (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] The damage reduction from "Carcass Spiked Shoes" now applies to your companions. The tooltip will be updated in a future patch.
    • Mage
      • [After server restarts in each region] Damage reduction from Constellation Shield has been increased to 20% (previously 15%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 4 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] The absorption amount of "Resolute Medallion" has been increased to 70% (previously 40%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] The damage bonus from Runecloth Bandages when casting Arcane Strike, Fireball, or Frostbolt while invisible has been reduced to 500% (previously 2,000%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Lens of Pandemonium no longer increases the radius of effect of Flamestrike, Blizzard, and Arcane Explosion. The bonus now increases the damage of Flame Strike, Blizzard, and Arcane Blast by 15%. This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Seeker's Scroll now always increases the damage of Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Blast (previously only the damage of the next use). The damage bonus per stack has been reduced to 2% (previously 10%). Stackable up to 100 times. This bonus can now be obtained 1 time (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Ever Warm Socks now additionally heals you by 60% of your maximum health over the course of Ice Block's effect duration.
    • Paladin
      • [After server restarts in each region] Ancient Document of Order can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts ineach region] 'Flame of Blood' can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts ineach region] 'Shattered Gauntlet' can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Desecrated Prayer Beads' now affects 'Blessing of the Seasons' as intended. This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Radiant Essence now increases damage done by 15% when Foreboding is active (previously 25%). This bonus can now be received 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Embers of Chimes can now be obtained 2 times (previously 4 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Consecrated Candle now increases the damage or healing of Ashen Consecration by 30% (previously 50%).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Golden Feather now increases the effects of Wrathful Retribution by 60% (previously 100%).
    • Priest
      • [After server restarts in each region] Mask of Pure Terror now increases the damage needed to cancel your Psychic Scream spell by 400% (previously 300%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Pain Wheel now additionally increases the damage of Shadow Word: Pain by 25%. This bonus can now be obtained 5 times (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Zeal of the Vandal has been revised to increase the damage of Mind Blast and Holy Fire by 1% per phylactery destroyed, up to a maximum of 40%. This bonus can be received 1 time.
      • [After server restarts in each region] Enemies affected by Pandemonium now run away much slower.
      • [After server restarts in each region] Soul Weaker now causes Soul of Power to decay 200% faster (previously 100%).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Fragments of Obscurity now always prevents your movement speed from being reduced after using Fade and increases movement speed by 40% (previously prevented movement speed from being reduced below 80%). Additional stacks of this bonus only increase the cooldown reduction of Fade.
    • Rogue
      • Fixed a bug where the effect of Draped Prism Scarf did not increase when this anima bonus was selected multiple times.
    • Shaman
      • [After server restarts in each region] Wailing Winds now reduces the cooldown of Gust of Wind by 4 sec (previously 3 sec). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Dead Earth now reduces the cooldown of Earth Elemental by 40% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 4 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Storm Ladder now increases the damage of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning Bolt by 50% (previously 30%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Essence of the Ancestors now increases the speed granted by Battle Frenzy by 15% (previously 10%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Elemental Core now requires 20 stacks to reduce the cooldown of Lava Eruption or Storm Strike by 50% (previously 50 stacks). Now increases damage by 3% per stack (previously 1%).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Increased the damage of Life Stealing Lily Pad by 50%. This bonus can now be obtained 1 time (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restartsin each region] Flames of Cauldron now increases the frequency of regular damage from Flame Shock by 40% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Tsunami Relic now increases the casting speed of healing spells by 50% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Fixed a bug that prevented Deathseeker's Bag from placing a Liquid Magma Totem.
    • Warlock
      • [After server restarts in each region] The damage reduction for your minion from Bloodstained Dagger has been increased to 35% (previously 10%). This bonus can now be obtained 1 time (previously 3 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Claw of Endereth now drains health 25% faster (previously 10%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 7 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Hellfire Pact now increases the damage of summoned demons by 50% (previously 25%). This bonus can now be received 3 times (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] "Pact of Robustness" now increases the health of your summoned primary demons by 50% (previously 25%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Thirsty Chain now increases the healing of Bloodsucker by 40% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 2 times (previously 10 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] "Warlock's Trade" has been revised to grant the Warlock 20% speed at the cost of 10% of their health.
      • [After server restarts in each region] Decomposing Vial now makes Corruption an additional spontaneous spell for Demonology and Destruction Warlocks. Also now increases Corruption damage by 100% for all Warlock specializations.
    • Warrior
      • [After server restarts in each region] Bloodstained Grindstone now increases damage from Whirlwind and Thunderclap by 50% (previously 30%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Champion's Decree now increases the damage of the next use of Vengeance or Shatter by 50% (previously 20%). This effect stacks up to 40 times (previously 100 times). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times). This bonus is now offered as an option slightly less often.
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Juicy Carpaccio' can now be obtained up to 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restartsin each region] 'Soul Polished Rivets' can now be obtained up to 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] "Vigorous Vocal Cords" now increases damage taken by 30% (previously 20%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] 'Zovaal's War Banner' now increases the duration of your main abilities by 60% (previously 40%). This bonus can now be obtained 3 times (previously 5 times).
      • [After server restarts in each region] Scratched Knife now increases the damage of the first use of Shattering Throw on each level by 4,000% (previously 10,000%). No longer works against bosses.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • [After server restarts in each region] Bonus damage from the Demonic Consume talent is now only applied to a single Demonic Tyrant in Torghast instead of all Demonic Tyrants.

World Quests

  • Fixed a bug where stealth was not interrupted by ordering Gatamatos to search an area during the Bastion Training Runs world quest.

WoW Classic

  • 'Spirit of Redemption' no longer counts as two deaths in the scoreboard on Battlegrounds.

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