WoW: World of Artcraft - Azeroth could look this beautiful as a Titan!

The Titans of World of Warcraft are godlike beings who have traveled the Warcraft universe since the dawn of time to bring order to countless worlds. Once, the most powerful Titan named Aman'thul and his siblings formed a pantheon that watched over order. Their greatest enemies were the demons, who wreaked havoc wherever they appeared. But the forces of the Void also targeted the worlds and the mortals. In order to deal with these dangers, the Titans created an enormous army from the ground. Gigantic warriors of iron and stone followed their creators to fight against the armies of darkness.
WoW: World of Artcraft - Azeroth could look this beautiful as a Titan! (2) Source: Blizzard For a long time, the Titans were a great mystery. No one knew exactly where the creators came from and why they left Azeroth again. Even their appearance was a big mystery until their return in WoW (buy now 14,99 € ): Legion a great mystery. There were some classic WoW artworks showing Aman'Thul, Eonar, Norgannon, Golganneth, Khaz'goroth, Aggramar, and Sargeras, but no one could tell if these images actually showed the real or just the stylized form of the Titans.
Blizzard's developers later took over the images and modeled the Titans in the game after them. As the crowning glory of WoW: Legion, the Californians even introduced us to the titan Argus. The chief villain Sargeras also made his first appearance in Legion. The final cinematic from Antorus, in which Sargeras rams his cursed sword into the heart of Azeroth, is something WoW fans won't soon forget.
But as exciting as the end of WoW: Legion was, one mystery remains unsolved - and that is: What does Azeroth look like as a Titan? This question still inspires the imagination of countless talented artists to this day. The product of these ideas are fantastic artworks on which Azeroth can be seen as a sprightly shield maiden or a mystical troll woman. We have picked out a few examples for you. The highlight of the collection for us is the illustration with Sargeras attacking the incarnate version of Azeroth. But have a look at the pictures yourself.
Sargeras vs. Azeroth
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Azeroth as shieldmaiden
Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeddings will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in our privacy policy.Which image of Azeroth as Titan do you like the most? And how do you imagine the sleeping Titan herself? Write us your opinion in the comments!
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