•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW Shadowlands: Barokoshama - All Mythic Dungeons with 5 Shamans!

Barokoshama is a North American-based elemental shaman who primarily pushes Mythic Plus dungeons and regularly posts content on YouTube in addition to livestreams on Twitch. Nick Grondin, his real name, lives in Ottawa, Canada. He has been playing World of Warcraft since shortly before the launch of Burning Crusade. He started playing Shaman with the release of the Dragon Soul raid and the introduction of LFR mode in Cataclysm. His goal is to become one of the best Shaman players in PvE and Mythic Plus. With the content he publishes, he wants to give the community a better understanding of classes that are not "meta" but - if played well - perform just as well, if not better.

In the following video, you can watch over the shoulder of the master of his craft as he cleans up the Mythic 0 dungeons of Shadowlands - without a tank - with 5 Shamans with a few acquaintances. Have fun!

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